Criteria E: Reflection/Engagement

Effective reflection - this is worth 6/34 of the marks

Rubric for Criteria E from IB

Criterion E: Engagement

Viva Voce Reflection Hack

2023 EE Reflections Hack - THE VIVA VOCE

Notes on Posting your Reflections to Managebac:

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EE Reflection Examples


Group 1: Language and Literature

Korean A

English A

Category 1

What message does George R R Martin express through different characters' experience with disillusionment in his novel A Game of Thrones? [Cat 1] (Grade A)

How does Adrienne Rich utilize symbolism in a selection of her poetry to convey the evolution of feminist voice over the course of her career as a writer? [Cat 1] (Grade A)

In what ways does CS Lewis use satirical conventions to emphasize the teachings of Christianity and common shortcomings of humanity? [Cat 1] (Grade A)

Category 2

How does Mary Shelley and Franz Kafka use the portrayal of a character’s gradual alienation in Frankenstein and The Metamorphosis as a tool for conveying social commentary? [Cat 2] (Grade A)

How do Cormac Mccarthy and Elie Wiesel use symbolism, setting, and binary opposition in The Road and Night to convey man’s loss of morality?  [Cat 2] (Grade A)

How do urban settings affect the stability of romantic relationships depicted in ​Anna Karenina​ and ​The Great Gatsby​? [Cat 2] (Grade B)

Category 3

How does Disney, through advertising and movie posters, use language and image to construct a changing view of femininity in their princess movies? [Cat 3] (Grade A)

How do CocaCola advertisements throughout the past 60 years further the importance of inclusion and diversity? [Cat 3] (Grade A)

How have Nike's advertisements evolved to better support gender equality? [Cat 3] (Grade A)

How does sociopolitical context affect the language used in speeches given by American leaders following the HIV/AIDS crisis of 1981? [Cat 3] Grade A)

Group 2: Language Acquisition

Group 3: Individuals & Societies

Group 4: The Sciences

Group 5: Mathematics

Group 6: The Arts

Interdisciplinary Subjects

World Studies

Conflict, Peace and Security

To what extent did economic conditions influence whether communities voted in favor of populist candidates in the United States 2016 Presidential Primary Elections? (Grade A)

From a political standpoint, to what extent may music allow for the expression of human emotion, and persuasion? (Grade B)

To what extent have the efforts and aims of the Turkish Red Crescent in Hacivat/Bursa improved the integration of the Syrian refugee population to society?  (Grade B)

Culture, Language and Identity

To what extent did culture act as a barrier to quality education in Bangladesh between 2000 to 2015? (Grade A)

How has the Portuguese-Spanish wave of Jewish immigrants in Bordeaux impacted the current Jewish Community of Bordeaux today? (Grade B)

To what extent have culture and immigration affected the styles and designs of religious architecture in Yaowarat, Thailand? (Grade B)

Environmental and/or Economic Sustainability

To what extent has the development of wind energy generation in County Wexford, Ireland contributed to Ireland's fulfilment of its UN development energy goal? (Grade A)

To what extent have the aims and objectives set for the DoiTung development project in Northern Thailand been achieved? (Grade A)

To what extent is farmers’ standard of living better under the conduct of organic agriculture than industrial agriculture? (Grade B)

Equality and Inequality

To what extent has the software development industry impacted gender equality in Bangkok, Thailand?  (Grade A)

How significantly did land ownership disparities in the Buriram, Chachoengsao, Srisaket, and Lopburi provinces influence voter preference in the 2001 Thai General Elections? (Grade B)

Health and Development

To what extent do La Niña-driven climate parameters affect the epidemiology of dengue in an urban population? (Grade A)

To what extent has Thailand’s Universal Healthcare helped reduce health inequality and satisfy the wants and needs of the rural population in 2019?  (Grade A)

What influence does advertising and income levels have on obesity rates of high school students in Bangkok?  (Grade A)

To what extent does the socioeconomic and demographic factors contribute to the low Alzheimer’s mortality rate in Okinawa while retaining its above average Alzheimer’s incidence rate in Japan?  (Grade B)

To what extent is exposure to ambient particulate matter 2.5 diameters and smaller in the air, PM​ , affect the 2.5 development and exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Thailand? (Grade B)

Science, Technology and Society

no As or Bs to share yet

Extended Essay Reflection Examples

Good Example: Should be a 3 or 4 out of 6 Points for Criteria E

Example F, Good reflection, 5 out of 6.pdf

Better Examples: Should be a 5 or 6 out of 6 Points for Criteria E

Example A, Average reflection, 3 out of 6.pdf
Example D, Good reflection, 6 out of 6.pdf
Example E, Good reflection, 6 out of 6.pdf
Example B, Good reflection, 5 out of 6.pdf
Example A, Good reflection, 5 out of 6.pdf
Example C, Good Reflection, 5 out of 6.pdf