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The EE: What and Why?
ISB EE Handbook
Timeline & Flowchart
Who's who?
Academic Integrity
Subject Area Intros
EE Assessment Explained
EE in 8 steps
1. Early Bird & the RRS
2. RQ & Annotated Bib
3. First Official Meeting
4. Outlining & Methods
5. Interim Meeting
6. Writing it up
7. Feedback & Improvements
8. The Viva Voce
EE Skills
On Reflection
Criteria E: Reflection/Engagement
On Reading & Note Taking
On Writing an Outline
Criteria D: EE Presentation
On Annotated Bibliography & Literature Review
On Methodology and Methods
On Referencing & MLA
On Basic Computer Skills
On Critical Thinking
On Writing
On Library Resources
On Excellent Research
On Primary Research
On Working With Data
EE Supervisors
An EE in...
Group 1: Language and Literature
Group 2: Language Acquisition
Group 3: Individuals and Societies
Group 4: Sciences
Group 5: Mathematics
Group 6: Arts
World Studies
Official IB Resources
IB EE website(s)
The IB EE Guide
Effective Citing and Referencing
IB Ethical Guidelines
IB Animal Experimentation Policy
The EE: What and Why?
ISB EE Handbook
Timeline & Flowchart
Who's who?
Academic Integrity
Subject Area Intros
EE Assessment Explained
EE in 8 steps
1. Early Bird & the RRS
2. RQ & Annotated Bib
3. First Official Meeting
4. Outlining & Methods
5. Interim Meeting
6. Writing it up
7. Feedback & Improvements
8. The Viva Voce
EE Skills
On Reflection
Criteria E: Reflection/Engagement
On Reading & Note Taking
On Writing an Outline
Criteria D: EE Presentation
On Annotated Bibliography & Literature Review
On Methodology and Methods
On Referencing & MLA
On Basic Computer Skills
On Critical Thinking
On Writing
On Library Resources
On Excellent Research
On Primary Research
On Working With Data
EE Supervisors
An EE in...
Group 1: Language and Literature
Group 2: Language Acquisition
Group 3: Individuals and Societies
Group 4: Sciences
Group 5: Mathematics
Group 6: Arts
World Studies
Official IB Resources
IB EE website(s)
The IB EE Guide
Effective Citing and Referencing
IB Ethical Guidelines
IB Animal Experimentation Policy
The EE: What and Why?
ISB EE Handbook
Timeline & Flowchart
Who's who?
Academic Integrity
Subject Area Intros
EE Assessment Explained
EE in 8 steps
1. Early Bird & the RRS
2. RQ & Annotated Bib
3. First Official Meeting
4. Outlining & Methods
5. Interim Meeting
6. Writing it up
7. Feedback & Improvements
8. The Viva Voce
EE Skills
On Reflection
Criteria E: Reflection/Engagement
On Reading & Note Taking
On Writing an Outline
Criteria D: EE Presentation
On Annotated Bibliography & Literature Review
On Methodology and Methods
On Referencing & MLA
On Basic Computer Skills
On Critical Thinking
On Writing
On Library Resources
On Excellent Research
On Primary Research
On Working With Data
EE Supervisors
An EE in...
Group 1: Language and Literature
Group 2: Language Acquisition
Group 3: Individuals and Societies
Group 4: Sciences
Group 5: Mathematics
Group 6: Arts
World Studies
Official IB Resources
IB EE website(s)
The IB EE Guide
Effective Citing and Referencing
IB Ethical Guidelines
IB Animal Experimentation Policy
On Excellent Research
A glossary
Academic Research: A Glossary
Academic Texts
Understanding Academic Texts
On Selecting Sources
Selecting good sources
On Evaluating Sources
Examining your sources
The IB advice on evaluating sources
Cornell University Library
Distinguishing Scholarly from Non-Scholarly Periodicals: A Checklist of Criteria: Introduction
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