Example Reflections

Explanatory notes

WORTHWHILE TASK: compare and contrast the average example to any of the stronger examples. What do you notice? Why do you think there would be a difference in score?

HOWEVER, even the high scoring examples can be better

DANGER: teachers always notices, and worry about sharing exemplar work. Sometimes it stops students thinking for themselves and creates frighted robotic behaviour.writing. Be sure to reflect on your process and have a voice of your own

Average example, eg 3 or 4 out of 6

Example A, Average reflection, 3 out of 6.pdf

Good examples, eg 5 or 6 out of 6

Example A, Good reflection, 5 out of 6.pdf
Example D, Good reflection, 6 out of 6.pdf
Example B, Good reflection, 5 out of 6.pdf
Example E, Good reflection, 6 out of 6.pdf
Example C, Good Reflection, 5 out of 6.pdf
Example F, Good reflection, 5 out of 6.pdf